How Much Traffic, Impressions or Clicks Are Needed to Sustain a 1% – 3% CTR

How Much Traffic, Impressions or Clicks

How Much Traffic, Impressions or Clicks Are Needed to Sustain a 1% – 3% CTR? CTR is a very important number for AdSense publishers because it determines how much money they can make and what the health of their account is. A good CTR for AdSense usually falls between 1% and 3%. For this range, … Read more

How Google Ads Saves You Time and Money

Google Ads

How Google Ads Saves You Time and Money – Google Ads was Google AdWords, a search-targeted online advertisement serving as one of the most significant and effective manners of online advertisements. Expansive, offering targeting options that make it the ultimate platform for businesses to seek ways to improve their digital marketing efforts, regardless of your … Read more